I guess thinking we can put in our 2 cents to save the world, or at least, make it better, leaves us with a sweet flavor in our mouth.
But, then, our head gets in the way, and our fears and doubts start blurring that beautiful landscape we had pictured before, and all seems to fall apart.
But maybe you kept on dreaming and fantasizing... until you are certain, by now, that you definitely have to make some kind of move and step into the unknown, yet familiar world of the spiritual community. You have been working so hard on yourself, taking out layers and layers of karmic weight off your shoulders. You must have learnt something along the process, right?
Somehow, you feel ready to share this with others. To network with like-minded people, to share and uplift. Great!!
I also feel that way, and a big smile comes to my face when I think of this. But... (and I don't want to say "there is always a 'but'," yet there is one here!) you wonder how on Earth (or Heaven) you are going to support yourself and pay the bills.
If you are like me, you are past your twenties and you probably have been specializing all your life in something that might seem a little out of place now that the spiritual issue came in the way. What led you into the spiritual path? God (and you) knows. Anyway, we meet here, at the same crossroads.
I am sure this specialization would come in handy once you figure out your role in this new world (let's say, new as a place to do *business,* to *earn a living*). Because, if you think like me, sure you can continue to work for your boss or your regular non-spiritual clients, and just work on your soul in your free time, or work even harder and try to achieve the Zen bliss even when your boss is standing before you or your client is demanding your attention. Achievable? Yes! But, I want more. I want my work life to reflect my spirit in all its aspects. So... I want to WORK ('cause I have to earn a living, that's out of the question) FOR THE SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY and not any other. I want to put my efforts into something that is sooo worthwhile it leaves me floating in the air.
I saw Julie & Julia the other day. Julie's blogging challenge made me want to attempt a challenge myself. Only this would not be about cooking, but about sharing my soul searching with you. Today is July 9, 2010. Like Julie, I'll put a hallmark of one year from now to see what I (we) come up with. I don't have a recipe book to follow, but I am sure we will have one at the end of this experience. One that we can share with the rest of those who are in this same position.
I would love to see your comments. Blessings.
So inspiring, thank you for daring to think, feel and act differently. I´m at the same crossroad as you are, I haven´t worked in anything ordinary for three years now. After the things I´ve known for the past year, just like you, I want to do something that reflects my new vision of life. I want to help people to free themselves up from doing things they don´t really want to do. Anyway, thank you as I said your blog has been very very inspiring, I want you to think of me as a human life you have touched with your beautiful thinking. Thank you, I love you. And Go For It!!!!!!!!